Emerging Writers’ Festival – Special Brisbane Digital Writers event

I had a great time when I spoke at this year’s Emerging Writers’ Festival, and now I’m excited to say that I’ll be a part of their special Digital Writers event happening in Brisbane.

On 15 October, the Emerging Writers’ Festival want to run a mini-conference called Digital Writers: taking your words online. The event will equip writers with ideas and inspiration about sharing their work and word with audiences online. Panel discussions full of practical advice will explore how to write for online audiences, and where the opportunities are in the digital space. Our talented line-up of writers will share how they use new technologies to create, to market and to make money by their writing.

What is also great is they’re jumping into all aspect digital and crowdfunding the event through the Australian service Pozible. At the special Pozible page you can see the great line-up for the event, and the benefits of contributing. Yay! 🙂

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