- Can’t Sell This Podcast – “Christy Dena on Interactive Storytelling,“ Jan, 2021.
- Dreams Unwrapped – “Dreams Unwrapped Episode 5: Christy Dena and the Birthing Trees,” Wellness Television Network, Nov, 2020.
- Story Hack – “A Pen, A Keyboard, A Song, and a Sandbox Walk into a Writers’ Room,” Story Hack, Online, 26th June, 2020. This talk is about the ways in which our narrative design can encourage positive alternate presents and futures. [Full updated talk on Medium, PDF of slides, Slides @ SlideShare]
- Australia Council for the Arts – “Platforms for the Distribution and Experiencing of Digital Works,” Creative Connections Summit, Online, 8th April, 2020 [PDF of Slides Only] [PDF of Slides and Script] [Slides @ SlideShare] This talk is about the ways we can approach our online digital practice in the current context.
A little bonus here: At the beginning of this talk I ask a question, in which people respond in the chat. Here are some of the responses from the chat log! “Miniature Plastic beach shovel, my children, little laughing Buddha for you all!, Fresh flowers, Nailpolish – lilac, sharpie, ceramic piccolo cup, a cupcake made by my daughter, fine liner pen, Shungite rock, a little vase with holders for three stems, Leather bound book with celtic artwork, Pencil, I have a Rainbow Care Bear, A mini sausage dog, mattress, Shell, Green smoothie, planet, tea cup with strawberries, candle, Bottle of water, A cup of coffee, kitty, a branch of flowering gum…”
- Leeds Beckett University – “Our Projects, the Personal, and the Planet,” INSIDE/OUT Lecture Series, UK, 11th March, 2020. [Video coming soon] This talk is about the ways in which creative practice is personal, and how narrative design is based on resistance to change rather than valuing change.
- “Episode 011: Designing the audience transformation – a talk with Christy Dena,” The Evolving Media Podcast, Hosted by Simon Staffans, 4th Feb, 2019.
- Sweden Games Conference – “Worldbuilding Our World,” June, 2018, Sweden. [Speech & Slides here] [Slides @ SlideShare] This talk is about the ways in which our creative projects socially shape our reality.
- Game Developers Conference – “The Secrets to Creating an Indie Game Franchise,“ Game Narrative Summit, San Francisco, 19th March, 2018 [Video] [Script with Slides] [Slides @ SlideShare] This talk is about approach transmedia narrative design from an audience perspective.
- Gallery of Modern Art + ABC – “GOMA Talks: Patricia Piccinini: The Rise of the Machines“, GOMATalks, Dr Hussein Abbass, Dr Christy Dena, Dr Anita Pisch, Dr Robert Sparrow, Scott Stephens (ABC), 26th April, 2018
- “Extending a horror film – Christy Dena with Shayne Armstrong and Shane Kraus“, interview doing an live consulting session on creating an interactive experience around their horror feature film, Feb 1st, 2018.
- 4ZZZ – Exit Stage Zed – “West End Festival – Extended Experiences Lab“, Charnstar Anderson & Christy Dena interviewed by Domenico Natoli and Scott Mercer, 16th June, 2018
- ABC – Big Ideas, Radio National – “Robots that look like us“, Dr Hussein Abbass, Dr Christy Dena, Dr Anita Pisch, Dr Robert Sparrow, Scott Stephens (ABC), Cathy Van Extel (ABC), 8th May, 2018
- DICE Hard – “Magic Mike XXL“, 8th Feb, 2018 (we do a live boardgame adaptation of the movie Magic Mike XXL)
- Pixel Sift – “Episode 77: Interview with Christy Dena,” Twitch, 2017
- Australian Screenwriters Podcast – “Episode 37 AWG Live Event” (from “Navigating Interactive Writing,” Write Night, Australian Writer’s Guild, Sydney), Duncan Richards, 5th May, 2017
- RMIT University – “Christy Dena: Experimenta Recharge“, 24 May, 2015
- Story Forward Podcast – “Connecting Audiences: Birth of a Hyphen Nation“, Steve Peters, 22 May, 2014.
- ABC – The List, Radio National – ‘Banished, Veronica Mars, and Robophobia‘, Cassie McCullagh, 14 March, 2014
- if:book Australia – “My Robot’s Jam” – Simon Groth and Emily Craven, 17 Feb, 2014.
- ABC – Big Ideas, Radio National, ‘Morals and the machine‘, Paul Barclay, 3 Oct, 2013
- SynMedia, ‘Interview: AUTHENTIC IN ALL CAPS with Christy Dena – Mark, Georgina, and Beth, 5 March 2013
- Radio Beyond Radio, ABC Radio National Conference, ‘Inside the Development of an Interactive Radio Drama,’ – Christy Dena, 12 September 2012
- StoryForward Podcast, ‘Risks of Creative Versatility, Joys of Street-Level Storytelling‘ – JC Hutchins, 22 March 2012
- ABC – Download This Show, ‘Targeted Marketing in your Womb, Digital Product Placement, Pervasive Gaming‘ – Marc Fennell, 26 Feb 2012
- Journey of the Documentary – Interview with Dr Christy Dena, Atalanti Dionysus, 2012
- Remote Viewing, ‘Episode 21‘ – Elroy, 17 July 2011
- Litopia After Dark, ‘Trash, Transmedia & Chaterati‘ – Peter Cox and Nic Alderton, 9 June 2011
- TEDx Transmedia – “Dare to Design“, 30 Sept, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010
- Tummel Vision – Christy Dena:TummelVision 27, Kevin Marks, Heather Gold and Deb Schultz, 2010 July 16
- National Screen Institute – Interview with Christy Dena, Liz Hover, 2010 July 15.
- ABC – Tech Stream, Radio National – Augmented Reality, Alternate Reality Games & QR Codes, Ryan Egan, 2009 26 June.
- HotHouse Interactive – ‘HotHouse podcast: Cross-media – integrated marketing communications for the digital age’, Simon van Wyk, 2009, April.
- 7.30 Report, ABC TV – ‘Virtual Realities Lived Out Online’, Scott Bevan, 2006, 29th Dec. [Text Transcript]
- ABC – By Design, Radio National – ‘Trends and Reports: Alternate Reality’, Alan Saunders, 2006, 21st Oct.
- ABC – PM, Radio National – ‘Internet Attracting Virtual Worlds’, Lindy Kerin, 2006, 13th Oct.
- ABC – Background Briefing, Radio National – ‘Loot: Real Money in Virtual Worlds’, Cath Dwyer, 2006 27th Aug. [Radio interview about the virtual world Second Life. Podcast & transcript online]