Cross-Platform Producers in Oz

Due to repeated requests, the following is a (first draft) listing of cross-platform producers in Australia. The list is not comprehensive — I’m sure I’ve forgotten some peeps — so please send me suggestions! Rather than remain the only list, it is hoped it will contribute to those already existing (Film Victoria have a list of cross-platform developers) and inspire more! Indeed, I’m only creating this list due to requests, and to provoke another (or others) by Australian organisations. Some of the following create their own projects and/or consult on others. While I have selected producers that have created or specialise in cross-platform projects (as opposed to companies or individuals who can work on cross-platforms projects), they are not necessarily endorsed by me. 🙂 Enjoy!

** 28 Nov 09: New content added and moved to: Universe Creators **

2 Replies

  • Hello Brad!

    Thanks for commenting so quickly. I had been told there was a cross-platform list around, but couldn’t remember who did it. So I’m glad you gave me a heads-up!

    I’ve linked to your page, and fixed up one entry based on your data. I haven’t included all that are on your list because some seem to be companies that can work on one component of a cross-platform project rather than being able to write, design, produce or execute etc an entire cross-platform project.

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