Videos and slides from Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival

POWERPIXEL logo As I outlined in a previous post, I was fortunate to be invited back to be a part of Power to the Pixel, London Film Festival 2009. The videos and slides are now online and so here is a selection of ones I’m sure you’ll enjoy/get something out of. 🙂



Take Back What Has Always Been Yours – Ted Hope, Producer & Co-Founder, This is that corporation


What did they do? Lessons Learned in Cross-Media – Christy Dena, Universe Creation 101


View more presentations from Christy Dena.

I wanted to note too, that not all projects have to have a strong globally-targeted online component. Some can have an online component that is local. For instance, some projects are created so they can be sold in different territories, and some are designed to be local only once. But many projects are designed with little thought about the online, and global experience. It is important to consider the online and global strategy in the design on cross-media projects.

The Evolution of Storytelling – Lance Weiler, Filmmaker and Story Architect


View more documents from Lance Weiler.

Extending the Experience: The New Storytellers – Martin Elricsson, The company P


Extending the Experience: The New Storytellers – Steve Peters, No Mimes Media


Extending the Experience: The New Storytellers – David Varela, nDreams


View more presentations from David Varela.


Christy Dena, Martin Elricsson, Steve Peters, David Varela


How To Be “Better Than Free” – Brian Newman, Consultant


View more presentations from Brian Newman.

More videos at Power to the Pixel! 🙂

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