A few years ago I was lucky to be invited by Gary Hayes to be a mentor for a new laboratory that was being developed by the Australian Film, Television and Radio School. Those were the heady days of the Laboratory
I don’t usually put my ppts online because I don’t put all my points on the slides — they’re background or complementary material (unless the ppt is designed for online viewing only, like this recent one I did). I’ve also not been keen to show these old slides because they look ugly, they were created for particular audiences a long time ago, and they’re not representative of the information I give out now. But, there are nevertheless some gems in there. So, when AFTRS’ LAMP put my slides online, I chose to set them free. They’re old, they’re only a portion of the talks I’ve done for LAMP, indeed AFTRS (check out the full listing of my presentations), but they’re here! I’ve added links to the podcasts as well. (*cringe*) Anyway, enjoy!