Hello! Apologies for the delay in blogging my updates here. At the moment, while I’m concentrating on finishing my PhD, I don’t have the time to blog my thoughts, experiences and research insights here as I would like to. I’m often asked what I’m doing though. So, besides my PhD writing, writing essays for forthcoming book chapters (can’t say what they are yet), mentoring and consulting on projects with beautiful design challenges (can’t say what they are yet either), art judging (can’t say these yet), I can say I’ve been continuing some of my guest lecturing. Here are the guest lectures I’ve given so far this year:
(2008) Invited Lecturer & Workshop Facilitator, ‘Polymorphic Fictions’, Writing Between the Lines (Ficto-Criticism) (ENGL6979), Department of English, University of Sydney. Co-ordinated by Dr Rebecca Johinke. Workshop on 27th May, 2008.
(2008) Invited Lecturer & Workshop Facilitator, ‘Hypertext Fiction’, Writing Between the Lines (Ficto-Criticism) (ENGL6979), Department of English, University of Sydney. Co-ordinated by Dr Rebecca Johinke. Workshop on 20th May, 2008.
(2008) Invited Lecturer, ‘Games, Stories & the Multi-Platform Ecology’, Introduction to Game Design (SOMA3622), School of Media Arts, College of Fine Arts, UNSW. Co-ordinated by Erik Champion. Lecture on 20th May, 2008.
(2008) Invited Lecturer, ‘Games & Animation in the Multi-Platform Context’, Innovations in Storytelling, Screen Studies (SCS110), Graduate Certificate in Film, Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS). Adelaide. Lecture & workshop on 12th May, 2008.
(2008) Invited Lecturer, ‘Interactivity, Games and Films in the Multi-Platform Context’, Innovations in Storytelling, Screen Studies (SCS110), Graduate Certificate in Film, Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS). Melbourne. Co-ordinator: Allan Cameron. Lecture & workshop on 30th April, 2008.
(2008) Invited Lecturer, ‘History of Games’, Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology at The University of Technology, Sydney, Co-ordinated by Yusuf Pisan, 28th Feb.