Update on Mobile Phone Content

My old list of mobile phone content has been getting some attention of late. At the time when I wrote it there were not many sites that featured mobile phone content (particularly creative stuff). More recently, however, there has been a growing interest in the area. Here are some links (some old, some new) you may find interesting:

A blog about the role mobile technologies play in cross-media. Some great examples of technologies that get networked and non-networked media communicating. There are some great video examples of QR codes etc being used in entertainment and gaming.

Vassilen Iotzov’s research for a diploma thesis at the Berlin University about the emergence of mobile TV aesthetics (mainly german-speaking). Once again, lots of great info and videos for those of us who don’t speak German. Iotzov also emailed me some great additions to my mobile content round-up, which I’ve now added.

Dean Keep’s research blog for his Masters at RMIT on micro-narratives.

This is a fantastic listing of projects covering mobile art and research.

Emily Turrettini’s sites are always a great resource of information about the industry and creative projects

Oh, and here is a great guide I stumbled upon: DotMobi Mobile Web Developer’s Guide.

I’ve just read the proceedings to Gerard Goggin and Larissa Hjorth’s Mobile Media 2007 and there are some interesting papers. In particular I liked:

  • Hidden Meanings: Understanding the new social-psychological impact of mobile phone use through storytelling by Kathleen M. Cumiskey
  • From Mobile Phones to Mobile Media: Current developments in mobile phone-based cultural consumption by Juan Miguel Aguado and Inmaculada J. Martinez
  • Mobile Phones, Networked Selves, Media Ecologies by Marsha Berry
  • Games without Borders: Globalisation, gaming and mobility in Venezuela by Thomas H. Apperley
  • Domesticating New Media: a discussion on locating mobile media by Larissa Hjorth
  • Perspectives on mobiles and PCs: Attitudinal convergence and divergence among small businesses in urban India by Jonathan Donner

That’s it from me on this topic for now. Let me know of any other sites I’ve forgotten or don’t know about.

8 Things About Me (meme)

I’ve been tagged by Tama Leaver and tagged by Brad Berens for the ‘8 Things About Me’ meme, two bloggers that I respect, so I’d better deliver! Here is the requisite information I have to provide first:

1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and that they should read your blog.

Eight Facts about Me:

1. For a short period of my childhood I lived in a commune.

2. For a period of my life I used to frequent a gun range, practicing my shots with undercover cops.

3. My childhood bedroom had a long string with mintie wrappers.

4. When in primary school I used to climb to the roof of my house and photograph the number plates of cars as they went by, documenting the time…just in case they were committing a crime.

5. As I kid I used to write stories and poems that had real life object stuck into them. For instance, I once wrote a story about a land of sheep with rainbow wool. I stuck a bit of coloured wool on the page as proof that the land existed.

6. I used to make pinball machines with old kitchen doors, nails and rubberbands.

7. I don’t like eating when watching horror films or documentaries on insects.

8. I have never understood why people have to pay for the bare essentials needed to live.

Here are the 8 people I tag for this meme:

  1. Sophie Regan
  2. Count Olaf
  3. Jason C
  4. Cathy Vickers
  5. Rob Wittig
  6. Santa
  7. Faith Arella
  8. Darth Vader

Can you see a theme throughout my choices?…

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