I have recently discovered that I am not studying for a Doctorate of Philosophy, but a Doctorate in ABD: ‘All But Dissertation’. Apparently this is a form of study, an affliction in some ways, that has reached pandemic status in academia. Well, I’m on the road to recovery, and to getting back to my proper research. I’ve found a great resource to help: the iProcrastinate Podcast. Dr. Timothy A. Pychyl explains the research into the area of procrastination, with a particular emphasis on how it manifests in academia. For those not aware, procrastination is not about doing nothing, it is usually about doing lots of things, just not what you need or want to. I’m back on track now and am busy writing up lots of theories that will be published in…err…a few months to a year. Geez the academic publishing cycle is slow! But in the meantime, check out the podcast — it is great!