ARGFest 2007 videos

ARGFest-o-Con was held during March 2-4  in San Francisco. Videos of the sessions are at youtube, and here.

Keynote Address: “Play My Game! Trusting Strangers and Eating their Candy” – Sean Stewart and Elan Lee 

[youtube WQ9-5_Nmwbk]

Defining ARGs and the Future ARGs – Part 1

[youtube h80PpcV_kug]

Defining ARGs and the Future ARGs – Part 2

[youtube woH6zjZWRaU]

Defining ARGs and the Future ARGs – Part 3

[youtube cXIGX270-PU]

Developing an ARG – Part 1

[youtube K8tX2uMj5ok]

Developing an ARG – Part 2

[youtube Fq_oL9Ix25g]

Running an ARG

[youtube kSnZ6qTHk1o]

42 Entertainment Roudtable – Part 1

[youtube UNhH8Z6djJs]

42 Entertainment Roudtable – Part 2

[youtube YNvZKG70qX0]

All the videos are at youtube

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