Sense Worldwide provides contextual research and concept development services to Blue Chip and Fortune 500 clients across many different sectors and categories.
Founded in 1999 we were one of the first companies to utilise human networks to gain insights into social, cultural, economic and technological trends. Working globally with our 1500+ network of ‘Sensers’, we provide our clients with the grassroots information required to identify, anticipate and capitalise on change. From this privileged viewpoint we look at anything that is transforming people’s lives, both now and in the future.
During the last five years we have proven our approach to deliver on some highly strategic challenges from the BBC, British Telecom, Hewlett Packard, SC Johnson, Nokia, MTV, IDEO, Herman Miller and Reuters.
They contacted me because they were conducting a report on 21st Century Storytelling and wanted to interview me for my insights. We had a jolly ol’ chat and at the end they asked me to join their network. So, now I’m a Sensor! Wohoo! I look forward to sharing my insights and nutting out issues with other enlightened folk.
Check out: http://www.senseworldwide.com/