Ezra’s Effort

Last year I was lucky to be a mentor for the University of Melbourne High Achieving Secondary School Student Mentorship scheme. I was even luckier to be teamed with budding film-maker Ezra Silman. Ezra was working on a film script back then, a script that he has not only filmed, but edited, sound, titles, everything. [I should add here that he can also act, sing and probably do brain surgery.] His film, Dark Beauty, will be screened on:

  • 3rd (tbc) August 2006
  • at 7pm
  • at Bialik College, 429 Auburn Road, East Hawthorn, Victoria

But what I’m also thrilled about is that he’s created a website to go with the film, and a forum! This is something that  professional film-makers still struggle with and he is doing at the age of 16. Go Ezra! Speaking to Ezra about his experience, he gushes at what he has learned: how the script affects the film, narrative structures, sound recording techniques, the list goes on. He is getting out there and teaching himself, seeking out the advice of mentors in all areas of his intended profession, willing to make mistakes and willing to achieve. Ezra will go far. I’m lucky to know him.

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