MMOG on your Mobile

Australian MMOG platform creator, BigWorld Technology, announced in March an adjunct to their suite that allows a virtual world to be played on a mobile phone. Using their technology you can create a MMOG especially for a phone or make your existing one also available on the mobile. Exciting. It would be good if you could get video calls from in-game mates from a mobile object in the virtual world, rather than trying to navigate a vast landscape on a small screen. Affordances and limitations.

3 Replies

  • Hi Christy, the South Korean MMOG, Ragnarok Online announced, announced a mobile edition last year. Real-time networked mobile games are notoriously difficult to do well. Here’s hoping BigWorld does a better job with their mobile MMOG toolkit than they did with it’s desktop counterpart.

  • Tehehe, I didn’t know BigWorld weren’t doing good things. Pity. I figured that there had to be others doing mobile MMOG.

  • Actually, that sounded a lot harsher than I intended; what I saw of BigWorld’s system at the AGDC looked really good, it’s just that the implementations of it so far have been mediocre.

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