This journal
Dong-Hoo Lee documents the experiments with self-image and expression now allowed young Korean women by camera phones.
Angel Lin affirms the continuation of older social practices amongst Hong Kong college students using SMS (in the use of SMS to maintain social ties with friends and family, for example).Â
Lin Prøitz finds a surprising amount of gender mobility within the frame of SMSing, even when the rhetoric outside of this frame maintains reasonably strict concepts of gendered behaviours.
Judith Nicholson gives an extensive account of the brief but influential ‘flash mob’ phenomenon, at the same time describing the political potential of mobile networks in terms of new “mobs”.
Larissa Hjorth argues for the enfolding of older forms of communication within SMS and MMS use.
Scott Sharpe, Maria Hynes and Robert Fagan consider the Internet as a forum for coordinating resistance to globalisation.
Ingrid Richardson poses the concept of the ‘mobile technosoma’ – a return to thinking through the new kinds of bodily intensity associated with new technical intensities, and both bodily and technical intensities together.
In a delicately argued article grappling with this new sense of place, Rowan Wilken discusses a sense of place profoundly transformed by mobile networks, but not completely dissolved into them.
Felicity Colman and Christian McCrea take all these questions – very old and very new technics, new intensities and new fragmentation, new relations, the infinite deferral of networks and the way this deferral ties everything into a web – in the direction of what they call the ‘digital maypole’.