In the previous
The festival will play out in theaters, living rooms, online and via mobile devices and the conference (DIY DAYS) has become a series of live discussions in LA, SF, Boston, NYC and London. Our goal is to create an open discussion and debate that will evolve over the next four months.
I was lucky to be asked to contribute a remote presentation for DIYDays. Lance asked me to do a primer on cross-media and so I decided to do ‘The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of Cross-Media’. I was half-way through my video edits when everything went caput. So, I rejigged it and created a conversational powerpoint. It is now online at DIYDays…and here:
Let me know what you think!
And check out all the amazing videos from the great collection of remote contributors — Brett Gaylor, Brian Chirls, Matt Hanson and Timo Vuorensolaand — and from the live sessions: