Manifestos can be wonderful community-forming, revolution ranting things. I cannot recall why (I just needed to I think) but I created my own little silly declaration in 2005:
A cross-media creator is a conductor of an orchestra of media channels & arts types; an imagineer, constructing fictional worlds that cover the planet; a programmer, interpreting conversations between technology and nature; a sorcerer conjuring awesome events even they are surprised by; an audience member that wanted more, and so made a pact with The Creator to change the world.
But, I’ve realised it is time to dust off a few great ones from creators both past and present. I chose the following according to how well they matched two things: related to cross-media/multiplatform/transmedia/360content and whether they functioned in some way according this this definition of a manifesto in Wikipedia:
A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature, but may also be life stance related. [source]
So, here they are, listed in chronological order (oldest to newest):
I thought Jay Smooth of ill doctrine explained the non-post-guilt-perfection-cycle really well, so, over to him:
No more little-hater-don’t-post-cycles!!! One strategy I’m using to get around this (and lack of time) is to do ‘uninterviews’. So, expect some more chats with great people experimenting with cross/trans/multi-platform/media/entertainment/storytelling/games soon! 🙂