Terms, Genres & Formats

As many of you would know, I’ve employed the existing term ‘cross-media’ to refer to a range of practices. There are many other terms though, terms that are equivalent to or sub-sets of cross-media. Below is a listing of some of the terms, genres and formats I’ve come across. I’ll annotate and credit these sometime in the not too distant future, but please let me know if there are others you’re aware of. I’m an avid collector of words. :0

Also, you may want to check out this fun visualisation of my terms database – which includes the terms listed here and ones from many other artforms. (There is also a PDF version.) Also, check out Wiki Bruce’s list of ARG equivalents.

  • 360 Content
  • 360 Entertainment
  • 360 Marketing
  • 360 Experiences
  • All Media [Firelight Productions]
  • Alternate Reality Experiences
  • Alternate Reality Games
  • Ambient Fiction (Jay Bushman)
  • Augmented Reality Games
  • Big Games
  • Chaotic Fiction (Sean Stacey)
  • Convergent Storytelling
  • Cross-Media Entertainment
  • Cross-Media Games
  • Cross-Media Storytelling
  • Cross-Platform Storytelling
  • Cross-Sited Narratives
  • Distributed Interactive Narratives
  • Distributed Narratives – Jill Walker
  • Enhanced TV
  • Expanded Cinema
  • Expanded DVD – “Beyond traditional bonus extras, moving image content using interactive storytelling possibilities of the format.” – Source: Matt Hanson, The End of Celluloid
  • Extended Entertainment Experiences
  • Extended Reality Game
  • Full-Media Entertainment Experiences [No Mimes Media]
  • GPS Games
  • Immersive Games
  • Integrated Marketing Communication
  • Interactive Television
  • Intermedia Storytelling
  • Intermedial Storytelling
  • IPTV
  • iTV
  • Live Action Role-Playing Games (LARP)
  • Location-Based Games
  • Locative Arts
  • Locative Media
  • Location-Based Media
  • Mixed Reality Games
  • Mobile Narratives
  • Multimedia Stories
  • Multimedial Storytelling
  • Multi-Platform Entertainment
  • Multi-Platform Storytelling
  • Networked Narrative Environments
  • Networked Performance
  • Pervasive Games
  • Polymorphic Fictions
  • Screen Bleed – “modern narrative condition of fictive worlds being uncontainable in one format and narrative, and their ability to live in other media and moving image formats. Screen bleed extends a story into an immersive experience which will include multiple entertainment media and delivery platforms.” Source: Matt Hanson, The End of Celluloid
  • Situated Narratives
  • Superfictions
  • Synergistic Storyscapes
  • Synergistic Storytelling
  • Telematic Arts
  • Telepresence Art
  • Transfiction
  • Transmedia Entertainment
  • Transmedia Planning
  • Transmedia Storytelling – Henry Jenkins
  • Transreality Games
  • Ubicomp Games
  • Ubiquitous Games
  • Unfiction
  • Very Distributed Media Stories
  • Very Distributed Storytelling
  • Xtended narrative [source]
  • XME
  • XMedia
  • XMedia Entertainment

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