Here are some blogs, podcasts and listservs relevant to cross-media, artistic practice (games, film, TV, writing), entrepreneurship and marketing. Some are links to company blogs or podcasts, while others are general information services. I’m still entering all the ones I have but let me know of any ones you love/find interesting too!
- Alternate Reality Games (LinkedIn)
- BARG: pervasive game investigation in the midlands (Ning)
- Cross Media Experts (LinkedIn)
- Cross Media Experts (Ning)
- Location Based Gaming & Entertainment (LinkedIn)
- Transmedia Producers Network (LinkedIn)
- Alternate Reality Existence
- Asmedia
- Art of the Title
- Boxes and Arrows
- Brand Experience Lab
- Brandthroposophy
- Church of the Customer
- CinemaTech (Scott Kirsner)
- Clickable Culture
- Club of Amsterdam
- Convergence Culture Consortium Blog
- Convergence Newsletter Blog
- Cross Media Marketing
- Deep Media
- DeusExMachinatio (Andrea Phillips)
- Digiplay Initiative
- eGuiders – TV Show Web Extensions
- Envelop Entertainment blog
- Eyebeam Reblog
- Fame & Fortune
- Film Panel Notetaker
- Fais Moi Jouer
- Future of the Book
- Future Lab
- The Futurescape Journal
- Gamasutra
- Game Matters
- Ghost in the Pixel
- Global Couch
- Grand Text Auto
- Henry Jenkins
- iMedia’s Integrated Marketing
- Logic + Emotion
- Ludology (Gonzalo Frasca)
- Mediavorous (Brad Berens)
- Myndcast Media
- Mystery Man on Film
- Near Future Laboratory
- Networked Performance
- Observations on Film Art
- Paperback Jack
- Pervasive Games
- Pervasive Media Studio news
- Producer’s Guild of America New Media Council blog
- Project Narrative Blog
- Split Screen (James)
- Stitch Media
- Strategy for Social Change Initiatives
- Supercalif…
- The Multiplatform Game
- Total Experience
- Transmedia Broadcast
- UnExpected Media
- We Make Money Not Art
- Wonderland
- Workbook Project
- Writers Cabal
- [itvt]
- ARGNetcasts
- BRC Imagination Arts
- CIID videos
- Core 77 podcasts
- Creative Screenwriting
- First Wall Rebate
- Game Theory Show
- Howard Rheingold’s vlog
- iMedia Connection Podcast
- Kosmocast (German language ARG podcast)
- MIT Comparative Media Studies podcast
- Philosophers Zone
- Research Talk podcasts
- Ries Report
- Stanford Design Thinkers
- Stanford Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders
- SXSW Podcasts
- TED Talks
- The Charlie Rose Show
- The TV of Tomorrow Show
- Trekk Cross-Media podcast
- USC Cinematic Arts Podcasts
- USC Zaki Gordon Speaker Series
- Workbook Project
- XMediaLab videos
- Transmedia + Alternate Reality Game Research listserv
- IGDA ARG SIG listserv
- Pervasive Media Studio listserv
ARG Communities