Networks, Blogs, Podcasts & Listservs

Here are some blogs, podcasts and listservs relevant to cross-media, artistic practice (games, film, TV, writing), entrepreneurship and marketing. Some are links to company blogs or podcasts, while others are general information services. I’m still entering all the ones I have but let me know of any ones you love/find interesting too!





ARG Communities

  • ARG Meetup
  • Alternate Reality Gaming Network: announcements & articles about ARGs (English)
  • UnFiction UnForums: where just about all ARGs are announced, played & discussed (English)
  • ARGNetcast: ARG community podcast featuring announcements, discussions & interviews (English)
  • ARG Reporter: ARG announcements & wiki for Germany
  • ARG Fan: ARG site in Japan
  • Brazilian Alternate Reality Game community in Orkut
  • ARG Brasil: Brazilian Alternate Reality Game community wiki
  • Dutch ARG blog
  • Japanese ARG SIG: BLOG, TWiTTER
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