Craft – By Type

Selected –  Chronological | By Type

(currently being updated)


In Progress: Craft + Change
In Progress: Emancipatory Narrative Design
In Progress: Cross-Media Design


Title with space nodes labelled with story forms

The Writers’ Guide to Making a Digital Living: Co-written ebook with Theresa Fingleton and Jennifer Wilson, commissioned and published by the Australian Literature Board.






Me with long brunette hair holding up the bound copy of my PhD

Transmedia Practice: PhD on situating the difference in understanding and making multi-artform projects. University of Sydney. (unpublished)



Book Chapters

Title with image of a network of nodes

“Transmedia and Adaptation: Revisiting the No-Adaptation Argument”: Invited book chapter in The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies, edited by Matthew Freeman and Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, Routledge.




Title with fist breaking through with a C ring“Game On: Copyright and digital media”: Commissioned chapter in Copyfight, edited by Phillipa McGuinness, NewSouth Publishing.






Title and gold machine head with camera lens for eye

‘Transmedia as “UnMixed” Media Aesthetics’: Invited book chapter in Deb Polson, Ann-Marie Cook, JT Velikovsky, Adam Brackin, eds. Transmedia Practice: A Collective Approach, ebook published by Inter-Disciplinary Press.




Title and sketch of a balloon travelling the clouds

“The Scaredy Cat Factor”: Commissioned book chapter in The Emerging Writer: An Insider’s Guide to Your Writing Journey, edited by Karen Pickering, published by the Emerging Writers’ Festival.





Blue background and title“The Contributions of Multimodality and Polymorphic Fictions: Beyond Narrative and Games Studies”: Invited chapter in New Perspectives on Narrative and Multimodality,​ edited by Ruth Page,​ R​outledge.




Black background with stripped title “Do You Have A Big Stick?”: Invited chapter in Hand Made High Tech, edited by Simon Groth, if:book Australia.






Title with half circle of nodes“Creating Quality Cross-Media Experiences”: Invited section in Cross-Media Communications: An Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences by Drew Davidson, ETC Press. Also included a lot of my ideas and references throughout the book — with permission.



Title over a maze

“A Quick Primer on Alternate Realities”: Invited chapter in Friedrich von Borries, Steffen P. Walz and Matthias Bottger (Eds), Space Time Play: Synergies between Computer Games, Architecture and Urbansim, Birkhauser: Basel, Boston, Berlin.




picture of game player“Práticas Emergentes da Cultura Participativa: uma análise do conteúdo gerado pelos jogadores nos alternate reality games” in Andrade, LA, Falcao, T., R​ealidade Sintética:jogos eletrônicos, comunicação experiênciasocial, ​​SãoPaulo: Scortecci Editora, pp.157-182.




Interviews in Books

cartoon image of a women with glasses and inside her are game controllers

“Embed with Marigold Bartlett and Christy Dena” in Embed with Games: A Year on the Couch with Game Developers by Cara Ellison, Polygon.





Cartoon superhero holding up the title“Thought Balloon: Dr Christy Dena,” in Comics For Film, Games, And Animation: Using Comics To Construct Your Transmedia Storyworld byTyler Weaver, Focal Press.





Title with icons of a game controller, film camera, phone, etc.“An interview with Christy Dena,” in A Creator’s Guide to Transmedia Storytelling by Andrea Phillips, McGraw-Hill.




Title with photo of people in a park watching a huge screen“An Introduction to Transmedia”: Think Outside the Box Office: The Ultimate Guide to Film Distribution and Marketing in the Digital Era, Jon Reiss, Hybrid Cinema Publishing. Based on my presentations — with permission.




Researched extensively utilised in books

Title with half circle of nodesThe research from my blog was utilised with permission throughout Drew Davidson’s Cross-Media Communications: An Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences, ETC Press. 




Figure juggling different media

The research from my blog was utilised with permission throughout Max Giovagnoli’s Fare Cross-Media, Roma: Dino Audino Editore.






Yellow noted cover title with underscores before title‘Transmedial Fictions’. Marie-Laure Ryan and Lori Emerson, Benjamin Robertson, eds. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media Baltimore: MD, Johns Hopkins University Press.






Transmedia and the Pluriverse: Narrativas seriadas journal article version of the talk

How Creative Processes Are Adapting To Change The World,’ Journal of the Spanish Communication Research Association, 5 (9), 1-9. DOI: 10.24137/raeic.5.9.2.

Finding a Way: DiGRA journal article about techniques to bridge the schism in narrative design with objectives and first-person learning

Emerging Participatory Culture Practices: Convergence journal article on the ways in which what players and fans create are the main experience of creative works for most people

Elements of Interactive Drama: Performance Paradigm journal article on an early web-based drama


Patterns in Cross-Media Interaction Design: Proceedings article on the various elements to consider in the cosmology of cross-media design

Event Organising








Right Relations in Creative Practice & Pedagogy: Preparation reading for a co-run online course ‘The Artist as Teacher’

 “Unmastering the Story of Change,” Facilitator, School Revolt!, Anarchist Pedagogies Network, March 5th [remote]

Expanding Our Sense of the Possible with Narrative Design: Talk at Story Hack on how narrative design can encourage positive alternate presents and futures.

Platforms for the Distribution and Experiencing of Digital Works: Talk for the Australia Council for the Arts

The Secrets to Creating an Indie Game Franchise: Talk at GDC about the design of what I call cross-media promises.


Worldbuilding Our World: Talk at Sweden Games Conference on how our creative projects play a role in shaping our reality.

(Craft) Reviews

Margot Robbie with troubled face saying "I'm about to burst"

Once Upon An Alternate World“: Personal review craft essay on Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Timein Hollywood for Randon Billings Noble’s publication After the Art.

Michelle Yeoh looking at her long thin hotdog fingers

“A Journey to the Narrative Design of Everything, Everywhere, All At Once:” Personal review essay with Yen Ooi for the British Science Fiction Association’s journal Vector.

Conducting Interviews

Christy Dena interviews Eric Zimmerman: Commissioned interviewer for Cordite Literary Review