Selected – Chronological | By Type
(currently being updated)
In Progress: Craft + Change
In Progress: Emancipatory Narrative Design
In Progress: Cross-Media Design
The Writers’ Guide to Making a Digital Living: Co-written ebook with Theresa Fingleton and Jennifer Wilson, commissioned and published by the Australian Literature Board.
Transmedia Practice: PhD on situating the difference in understanding and making multi-artform projects. University of Sydney. (unpublished)
Book Chapters
“Transmedia and Adaptation: Revisiting the No-Adaptation Argument”: Invited book chapter in The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies, edited by Matthew Freeman and Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, Routledge.
“Game On: Copyright and digital media”: Commissioned chapter in Copyfight, edited by Phillipa McGuinness, NewSouth Publishing.
‘Transmedia as “UnMixed” Media Aesthetics’: Invited book chapter in Deb Polson, Ann-Marie Cook, JT Velikovsky, Adam Brackin, eds. Transmedia Practice: A Collective Approach, ebook published by Inter-Disciplinary Press.
“The Scaredy Cat Factor”: Commissioned book chapter in The Emerging Writer: An Insider’s Guide to Your Writing Journey, edited by Karen Pickering, published by the Emerging Writers’ Festival.
“The Contributions of Multimodality and Polymorphic Fictions: Beyond Narrative and Games Studies”: Invited chapter in New Perspectives on Narrative and Multimodality, edited by Ruth Page, Routledge.
“Do You Have A Big Stick?”: Invited chapter in Hand Made High Tech, edited by Simon Groth, if:book Australia.
“Creating Quality Cross-Media Experiences”: Invited section in Cross-Media Communications: An Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences by Drew Davidson, ETC Press. Also included a lot of my ideas and references throughout the book — with permission.
“A Quick Primer on Alternate Realities”: Invited chapter in Friedrich von Borries, Steffen P. Walz and Matthias Bottger (Eds), Space Time Play: Synergies between Computer Games, Architecture and Urbansim, Birkhauser: Basel, Boston, Berlin.
“Práticas Emergentes da Cultura Participativa: uma análise do conteúdo gerado pelos jogadores nos alternate reality games” in Andrade, LA, Falcao, T., Realidade Sintética: jogos eletrônicos, comunicação experiênciasocial, SãoPaulo: Scortecci Editora, pp.157-182.
Interviews in Books
“Embed with Marigold Bartlett and Christy Dena” in Embed with Games: A Year on the Couch with Game Developers by Cara Ellison, Polygon.
“Thought Balloon: Dr Christy Dena,” in Comics For Film, Games, And Animation: Using Comics To Construct Your Transmedia Storyworld byTyler Weaver, Focal Press.
“An interview with Christy Dena,” in A Creator’s Guide to Transmedia Storytelling by Andrea Phillips, McGraw-Hill.
“An Introduction to Transmedia”: Think Outside the Box Office: The Ultimate Guide to Film Distribution and Marketing in the Digital Era, Jon Reiss, Hybrid Cinema Publishing. Based on my presentations — with permission.
Researched extensively utilised in books
The research from my blog was utilised with permission throughout Drew Davidson’s Cross-Media Communications: An Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences, ETC Press.
The research from my blog was utilised with permission throughout Max Giovagnoli’s Fare Cross-Media, Roma: Dino Audino Editore.
‘Transmedial Fictions’. Marie-Laure Ryan and Lori Emerson, Benjamin Robertson, eds. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media Baltimore: MD, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Transmedia and the Pluriverse: Narrativas seriadas journal article version of the talk
‘How Creative Processes Are Adapting To Change The World,’ Journal of the Spanish Communication Research Association, 5 (9), 1-9. DOI: 10.24137/raeic.5.9.2.
Finding a Way: DiGRA journal article about techniques to bridge the schism in narrative design with objectives and first-person learning
Emerging Participatory Culture Practices: Convergence journal article on the ways in which what players and fans create are the main experience of creative works for most people
Elements of Interactive Drama: Performance Paradigm journal article on an early web-based drama
Patterns in Cross-Media Interaction Design: Proceedings article on the various elements to consider in the cosmology of cross-media design
Event Organising
Right Relations in Creative Practice & Pedagogy: Preparation reading for a co-run online course ‘The Artist as Teacher’
“Unmastering the Story of Change,” Facilitator, School Revolt!, Anarchist Pedagogies Network, March 5th [remote]
Expanding Our Sense of the Possible with Narrative Design: Talk at Story Hack on how narrative design can encourage positive alternate presents and futures.
Platforms for the Distribution and Experiencing of Digital Works: Talk for the Australia Council for the Arts
The Secrets to Creating an Indie Game Franchise: Talk at GDC about the design of what I call cross-media promises.
Worldbuilding Our World: Talk at Sweden Games Conference on how our creative projects play a role in shaping our reality.
(Craft) Reviews
“Once Upon An Alternate World“: Personal review craft essay on Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood for Randon Billings Noble’s publication After the Art.
“A Journey to the Narrative Design of Everything, Everywhere, All At Once:” Personal review essay with Yen Ooi for the British Science Fiction Association’s journal Vector.
Conducting Interviews
Christy Dena interviews Eric Zimmerman: Commissioned interviewer for Cordite Literary Review