Lost Academic Journal

There are academic journals for just about everything and thankfully one on Lost too. Lost Studies will be doing a special issue soon on the Lost ARG. Amy Bauer has encouraged academics to submit essays for the forthcoming issue:

I am doing a special issue on the ARG, including work by academics and fans reflecting on all aspects of what you guys call “convergence culture.” The self-reflexivity of a forum like LOSt – one that bridges the world of fan essays/rants and a more distanced, academic critique – is yet another fascinating phenomenon sparked by Lost.

I have a lot more to say on this, but for now I will leave you with the address for the Society for the Study of Lost and http://loststudies.com.

Please contact me at drabauer@gmail.com

You Tube Trends Analysis #2

Cross Media Tutor at sagasnet

Frank Alsema, a cross-media producer and lecturer, is co-running with Frank Boyd an upcoming sagasnet workshop: Master Class for Independent Producers of Interactive Entertainment to be held in Munich, September 1 – September 7. Guest Speakers include: Stefan Baier, Streamline Studios, NL; Ingeborg Degener , MEDIA Antenn Munich, D; Steve Fitton, Wise Monkey Ltd, UK; Dieter Marchsreiter, Marchsreiter Communications GmbH, D; Heikki Masalin, CIM, Fin; Vincent Scheuer, Sarassin LLP, UK. Although the workshop focuses on production management, not creative design, I’d find it interesting as Alsema is a cross-media producer! Here is the blurb about it and a temporary schedule:

Continue reading Cross Media Tutor at sagasnet