CFP: Re-thinking Film and Media Production

Here is a great call-for-papers on a topic that aligns with my dissertation approach:

Northern Lights. Volume 10 (2012). Volume editors: Mette Mortensen & Eva Novrup Redvall. Re-thinking Film and Media Production: Creativity, Convergence and Participation

Deadline for abstracts: December 15, 2010
Full articles to be delivered on March 15, 2011.

The 2012 volume of Northern Lights will focus on the renewed interest in film and media production. In recent years there has been a shift across a broad field of media and cultural studies from primarily devoting attention to the finished product, oeuvre or reception to also considering production practices. On the one hand, technological changes in the modes of production and distribution have caused a blurring of boundaries between media consumers and producers. On the other hand, concurrent with a heightened awareness of the project-based nature of work in creative industries, a scholarly interest in creative collaborations, choices and constraints as well as institutional contexts have emerged. New empirical topics along with new theoretical and analytical tools have gained ground within film and media research in response to this development. Areas of studies such as ‘screenwriting’, ‘creativity’ and ‘convergence culture’ are appearing, just as familiar theoretical keywords like ‘production aesthetics’ and ‘cultural production’ are being rethought. Acknowledging that the conditions of production have a great impact on the framework for reception, production analysis and theory may pave the way for new insights into the aesthetical, technological, ethical, ideological, political and economical aspects of film and media.

In particular, the editors will consider articles relating to the following themes:

•    Analyses of creative work and production practices through theoretically informed case studies.
•    The changes brought about by user-generated content and other participatory practices to different media formats and to the larger contexts, e.g., of popular culture, the public debate and politics.
•    The convergence of different media systems setting new conditions for the modes of production.
•    Collaborative practices in film and media production, e.g., how they challenge the traditional notions of oeuvre and authorship.
•    Studies of institutional frameworks and power structures in the film and media industry globally as well as nationally.
•    Changes in the roles and self-perceptions of film and media professionals prompted by new modes of production.


Abstracts/papers: December 15, 2010
Full articles: March 15, 2011
Publication: January 1, 2012

Abstracts/papers should be sent to the volume editors: Mette Mortensen, University of Copenhagen ( and Eva Novrup Redvall, University of Copenhagen (

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